Sheikh Al Hadeed
It is thought that there was a valley to the north of the town and people were used to take a bath and wash their clothes in the water of the deep valley.
It has got a population of (28,803) person up till 2003.-
It is with a total area of 18250 hectares.-
It has got sixteen villages and three farms.-
-it has got fourteen primary schools, nine preparatory and one secondary school.
-the number of male students is 1443 and female students' number is 1419 from 2004 to 2005.
The number of olive trees is 1020000 million and 200,000 fruit trees up till 2005.
The area of the planted lands with olive trees is 10157 hectares.
The number of sheep and goats in this town is 3843 up till 2005.
The number of cows is 145 up till 2005.
The number of horses is 164 up till 2005 .
The ruined sites: the roman well in the middle of the town .
Notice: we have to take the mentioned numbers in consideration that it must be changed because some people have moved their civil registers to the places of their work.
The names of Sheikh Al Hadeed villages:
Al-Mouzaina/Arande, Al Bazyya/Bazyanli, Chakalli Tehtani, Chakalli Foqani, Al Sahila, Saoljak, Al Khazafyya/ Qarmitleq, Al Werdiya/ Khalil Kolko, Dermesh/ Dermeshkanli, Sennara, Anquale,Assati/Sati oshaghi, Haj Bilal, Mestekan/Mestekanli, Maghar/ Maghar Arjek, Al Malsaa/kilanli.